Can electric gates add value to your home?

electric gate

In short – yes, electric gates will add value to your home. But the question you’re probably asking is: how?

We’re the perfect people to answer that here at Gate Auto. We’ve been market leading providers of electric gate automation for over 30 years, and throughout that time we’ve been providing a wide range of electric gate kits and garage door openers, as well as a range of gate safety accessories and access control options like intercoms. Each one can open up a range of new possibilities for your home, and best of all, they’re all great for adding value to your property!

So, let’s have a closer look at how they do it.


Now, right off the bat it’s important for us to point out that it’s pretty rare that any intruder will ever attempt to force your electric gates open – it’s a loud and risky way to try and enter your property, and if there’s one thing that thieves don’t like, it’s drawing attention to themselves in the act.

With that said, if you want some extra peace of mind it’s worth us mentioning that certain gate designs can serve as better security deterrents than others. Swing gates aren’t easy to bypass, and sliding gates are exceptionally difficult given that they lack a single point of vulnerability. That means they have to be struck with enough force to knock them off their tracks entirely, and out of their supports. This kind of force can only be generated by a vehicle, and as a result, makes the task of breaking through them difficult enough to the point that most potential intruders just won’t bother.

Plus, any estate agents and/or potential buyers will see the added value that’s provided by an additional security measure like an electric gate, and take this into consideration when applying a valuation to it. As an added bonus, you may also find that some insurance companies will lower your premiums if you have an electric gate installed.


Although security is probably going to be your foremost concern when installing an electric gate automation solution, in order to truly gain as much value from it as possible, it’s worth ensuring that your new electric gate will complement the look of your property.

We all know the saying – first impressions make a big difference, and a set of electric gates that match the exterior of your home can really add that extra bit of ‘wow factor’, and provide your home with an impression of grandeur, which bodes well for potential valuations.

Electric gates are available in a wide variety of models, colours and styles. When choosing yours, consider what sort of style you’re trying to invoke. Composite gates make a for a fantastic feature on contemporary town houses, where as iron gates are better suited for a period property.
Some estimates stated that the presence of an electric gate can add up to 5% to the value of your home. Let’s just do some quick maths, that means that a property worth £400,000 would gain an extra £20,000 in valuation from the installation of an electric gate.

Interested? You’re in exactly the right place. With over 30 years in supplying and fitting high-quality gate automation here at Gate Auto, we provide a wide range of electric gate kits and garage door openers alongside an array of accessories to ensure you get the most out of your investment. Feel free to browse them right here on our site, or give us a call on 01282 677300!